Company Profile
Bentley and Sons, Inc. has been in the Spray Foam business since 1980 and our applicators bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table.
Headquartered 40 miles East of Dallas, Texas, our foam mechanics have sprayed millions of square feet across the United States, in every climate and application imaginable. From the wine tanks of California to Nuclear plants in Florida to the New Orleans Superdome and flat roofs of every size and substrate in between.
We are always looking for new ways to benefit the spray foam industry. This is why we developed the PUF Plane roof scarfer. The PUF Plane was developed by foamers for foamers to make the labor intensive job of tear-offs practical and affordable while ensuring field maintenance was as user friendly as possible. After being field tested in 1997 we have placed PUF Planes in the hands of roofers all across the country and overseas.
Our Company is dedicated to delivering to our customers the best quality service available as well as advising on current roof problems, Spray Foam questions, potential foam applications, waterproofing issues and commercial coatings. This is to ensure our customers are informed about the SPF process and providing them with the best value for their money.
No two projects are the same, and with the wide range of foam and coatings applications an experienced contractor is vital to the customers decision making process. Knowing how to specify the right system and applying that system under actual and varying field conditions are much different. By selecting a company with the knowledge of spray polyurethane foam, commercial coatings and the expertise in application in a wide variety of site conditions our customers are assured the best quality results from Bentley and Sons.