Other Roofing Services
Bentley and Sons Inc. provides all aspects of roofing services to ensure our projects are preformed with the highest standards. These services are typically preformed in conjunction with our standard installations or can be specified as a stand-alone item on our clients particular project.
When the application requires all embedded material to be removed then the roof must be spudded. The Roof is usually vacuumed, spudded then vacuumed again to ensure all material is removed.
These services include: Vacuuming to remove gravel and debris, Power-washing, Power-Brooming, General roof inspections and moisture inspections, Tear-off, decking repairs, Build-up repairs, Rust treatment, Sand Blasting, Rooftop equipment modifications/installations and custom Sheetmetal packages.
We offer custom metal packages to include equipment curbs/platforms, parapet copings, edge metal, skylight flashings, ventilation penetrations, special metal paneling for deteriorated surfaces, expansion joints, custom drains, drain pans and commercial gutters assemblies.